Connect with Akua

Black, White, Male, Female… Interdependence Is All We Need

3. NOVEMBER 2022

Episode #16 with Akua Appiah Lindberg from Ghana is out now – our second episode in English.

I’ve known Akua for over a decade, I was very young then and don’t remember that we had many interactions. I was singing in the church choir at the time and she was like many others part of the congregation and came to the service regularly.

But a lot has happened since then and one thing I can tell you is that I was often speechless in this conversation and I am totally excited to finally share this episode with you. I know I pretty much always say I’m inspired by my guests, and guess what, that’s absolutely the case again here! Listen in for yourself as we talk about what it means to be a woman, and especially a black woman in software engineering in Germany, her philosophy and outlook on life, how she is able to actually live Emotional Intelligence, how she perceives it, what that has to do with her own encounters with racism, and how she even shares a solution to the very problem of racism… 

As an adult she actually came to Germany and became a software engineer by deciding to use what she already had in her hands. A truly resourceful woman to emulate!

Enjoy this episode!

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